Thursday, April 9, 2009

Six Ways To Make Money With Your E-book

Six Ways To Make Money With Your E-book

One of the most lucrative means of making money online is the creation and selling of e-books. An e-book, or electronic book is a book just like the physical books you know, written to treat a particular subject, divided into chapters. But unlike physical books, e-books are not printed. You can only read them with a computer, except the buyer decides to print them out at their own cost (that’s if the seller allowed it to be printed out).

There are several ways that e-books are preferable to physical books:

One, e-books take far lesser time to create than physical books. You only need to write the book and it’s ready for sale.

Two, you are spared of the huge cost of printing to make physical books. A lot of writers have not been able to produce their books because they cannot raise the enormous amount of money their printers are asking from them.

Three, you do not need storage facility to keep your book. Once you are through writing the book, you can either upload it to your hosting server and allow any one who pays for it to be able to download it immediately; or you send it to your buyers by email as attachment.

Four, due to the fact that e-books can be downloaded immediately from any part of the world where there is Internet connection, e-books therefore have a far wider market than physical books, which will require shipment to get to the buyer several days after purchase. It is not surprising to have e-books selling hundreds of thousands of copies in a couple of days after lunch.

Those are some of the advantages e-book creation has over physical book making. Now let’s go to the different ways by which you can make money with your e-book.

Getting Affiliates To Promote It

This is the best way to make tons of money with your e-book. There are several affiliate centres where you can place your e-book and get marketers to promote it.

Some marketers already have huge and responsive email lists they can market the book to, and you can have thousands of sales from just one marketer. If you therefore have several marketers promoting the book and selling thousands of copies monthly, you can be sure of selling thousands of copies of your book monthly. It is not uncommon to have people selling hundreds of thousands of their e-books, which may just be a 45 page report, in a few days after launch.

Click Bank is the world’s biggest affiliate centre where you have thousands of affiliates coming everyday for products they can promote. It is therefore the best place for e-book publishers to place their products for people to promote.

Once you sign up with Click Bank. find out how to sign up as a Nigerian by reading How To Sign Up With Click Bank Where Click Bank Doesn’t Reach and you will be able to offer your e-book to the thousands of Click Bank marketers to promote for you.

Apart from Click Bank, other affiliate centres where you can find people to help you market your e-book are PayDotCom and Affiliatejuncture

Using Your Blog Or Website

Another way by which you can make money with your e-book is by having a blog or website and pasting the book’s banner or ecover at strategic location on it.

As people visit your site everyday, they are exposed to your product. Consequently, they may get attracted to it and decide to purchase it. There are certain factors which will decide the success of this method. These are:

The amount of traffic to your blog or website. The more traffic you have to your blog or website, the greater will be your chance of making huge sales. For instance, if your traffic is 100, 000 monthly, there is the possibility that up to 10% of them will buy the product, and that’s about 10, 000 sales.

The quality of your blog or website. The more professional your blog or website is, including it’s content, the more likely your visitors will perceive you as an expert in your field and of cause that affects their perception of the quality or richness of your e-book.

Your ability to develop relationship with your visitors. You will be able to sell more of your e-book consistently if you are able to capture the emails of visitors to your site, and keep building a relationship with them by way of sending them newsletters, helpful tips, etc.

It is a fact that people generally buy things only after they have seen it for at least five times. Been able to capture their emails therefore enables you to expose them to your e-book several times. Here is the email capturing and management system that I use, you can sign up a free account and start using their facility, go to Email Capturing System.

Using Adwords

Adwords are paid advertisement platforms you can also use to sell your e-book. When you sign up an Adword account with Google or Yahoo, which are the most popular providers of Adword programmes, and fund your account with as low as $20, you will be able to create text adverts for your e-book.

The ads will start running immediately and will be displayed either on the right of a search engine result relevant to the keywords you are bidding on, or on other people’s blogs or websites whose contents are relevant to your keywords, or both, depending on your choice. You can also choose which regions or countries of the world you want your ads to show.

When people see your ads and are interested in you e-book, they will click on it. As they do this, they will be taken to your sales page where they will get full details of the book, including how they can order it, and you will be able to make sales.

On the other hand, your account will be charged a couple of cents each time someone clicks on your ad, depending on the maximum bid that you have set for the campaign. If well done, you can make big profit from your Adword campaign.

For instance, if Google charges you 20 cents for a click, and you have 100 clicks in a day, your expense is $20. If from the 100 clicks you sold one copy of your book for $27, you would have made $7 profit on that day.

But of course you can sell more than one copy per 100 clicks, you can reduce your bidding if you think your current bidding is not profitable, and you can have much more than 100 clicks in a day. You will be able to make adjustments to your campaigns and track their performance from time to time to ensure you are making profits.

Using It As A Bonus

You can use your e-book to entice prospects to buy another product you are promoting. I will explain. Let say you find a hot selling product, which people will be highly interested in, and you stand to make $30 as commission for a copy you can sell, if your e-book is related or relevant to the use of the product, you can offer it to prospective buyers as bonus if they order it. That way, you will be making extra income using your e-book as an enticer.

Selling Resale Right To Your E-book

Many people may not like this method of making money with their e-books because they can’t stand the thought of other people competing with them. However, on the business side of view, it can be more profitable.

Allowing prospective buyers to have the right to also resell the book can greatly reduce their resistance to buying the book. The feeling that they can make back the money they bought the book with as well as making profit can cause your sales to swell more than it would have been.

You don’t have to use this strategy on all products, but it can allow you to sell a huge number of your e-book and also makes your name to spread widely as other people market your product, establishing you as an expert, and you can equally make money from back end products.

Giving Your E-book Away For Free

You may be wondering what I’m talking about here – “giving your e-book away for nothing?”

Relax, it may look like that, but on the long run you can make even more money than trying to sell the book alone. This is how you can monetize such strategy. Set up an email capturing system (the one I discussed above) and allow anyone who signed up to download it. Because it is free, you will have lots of people opting into your list.

With your huge list, you can continue to develop relationship with them and market other products like training, membership program, supplementary or complementary products to the one you gave out, etc. Whenever you find a product that you think members of your list will like, you can promote it to them and make commission or charge a fee.

Those are the six ways you can make a great deal of money with your e-book. You can combine two or more of the strategies at a time, or you simply settle for the one that gives you the best result, it all depends on how you want it.

Lastly, your fear about creating e-book may be that people will illegally copy or print it out without you making anything significant from your sweat, don’t worry, there is a cool tool you can use to fix that and other security concerns about your e-book. Check it out Ebook Gold


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